More and more, people nowadays use technology to communicate with each other instead of face-to-face communication, especially by today's smart phones. It seems like we are trapped in each individual own world and disconnect to other people around us. According to recent surveys, distracted walking is becoming riskier than speaking on the phone while driving. Some local authorities are beginning to fine pedestrians who cross the street practically melded to their phones. The ad below is meant to promote how to use your phone to communicate as necessary, embrace the joy of life and connect to other things and people around you, instead of always being on the phone. Disconnect to connect!
Has your phone taken over your life? This depressingly accurate short film shows how we miss out on real experiences by recording every moment and oversharing with strangers. These days you can't go anywhere or do anything without someone recording the moment on their smart phones, a tendency which is the topic of a new short film, I Forgot My Phone, where director and star Charlene deGuzman is shown doing activities like hiking at sunrise, celebrating a birthday and lying in bed with a man - all of which are disrupted by someone's incessant phone use. She points out that society's obsession with using phones "makes me sad. I'm constantly working on living in the moment, enjoying and taking it all in (without Instagramming it!)"