Thursday, February 29, 2024

Triple Standard_short film


  1. It's ok that you're in the closet and have everyone think you're straight, but it's not ok to be homophobic!

  2. A homophobe turns out to be gay....irony in its finest hour!

  3. I keep on coming back to this movie and re-watching it over and over. This movie is so intense. It is definitely something I will return to in the future to watch again. It always gets to me when D says "I need you to say yes, I need you to tell me you understand" and when Crim says "Please don't leave me, please don't leave me". One man having to fight to keep his public persona, even though it is at odds with his private life, and the other person loving his partner but having to stand up for what he believes in, even if it means the end of the relationship. Powerful story! Wish more gay films were like this.

  4. Perhaps I'm harsh, but I have no sympathy for someone who is in the closet and yet abuses other out gay men all to cover up his own insecurities. I would probably be the first to out him to shut him up, and protect others from his abuse.

  5. Not bad. I know the feeling they are going through from both sides. It takes a real man to be gay. Openly. All the time. It ain't easy.

  6. Joshua Hernandez7:23 pm, July 31, 2020

    Cuando un hombre le dice a otro, (como es el caso en este corto) "no me abandones ... te amo", esto es la mayor muestra de amor.
    La homofobia es la careta que muchos se ponen para esconder su homosexualidad, y es una lástima, porque nadie les pide que lo declaren, sino que se acepten.

  7. So his kids are the priority, what about David's well-being? Crim is selfish and insensitive to his partner's feelings. David just needs to move on to someone who truly appreciates him. I do know this is just fiction.

  8. El corto es genial y, por desgracia, una situación muy habitual y no sabes lo complicado que es salir de esa espiral de odio a uno mismo y no aceptación; es realmente jodido. No sé cómo será fuera, pero dentro del deporte masculino es horrible; yo lo he sufrido y poco a poco he ido descubriéndome y aceptándome.
    Como bien dices tú en una artículo tuyo, en la era de la información, la ignorancia es una elección, pero si nadie nos informa, si no tenemos referentes, es complicado dar el paso de reconocer algo que todo tu alrededor odia, y comienza un proceso largo; en mi caso fue el descubrimiento de páginas web de chat LGTBI+ en el que tratas con personas en la misma situación y vas viendo que no estás solo, pero el paso es complicado. Esperemos que en unos cuantos años no sea necesario ese paso y que esta situación se trate con la normalidad que se merece.
